Notice of Rulemaking Activity
The Louisiana State Board of Nursing in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq., and through the authority granted in R. S. 37:911 et seq., is proposing rule changes to Chapter 33. General Subchapter A. Board of Nursing under Title 46, Professional and Occupational Standards, Part XLVII Section 3331.Denial or Delay of Licensure, Licensure by Endorsement, Reinstatement, or the Right to Practice Nursing as a Student Nurse. The proposed rule change revises crimes for which a person may be denied licensure and/or have their licensure delayed by up to 5 years. For reference, LA R.S. 14:2(B) enumerates the crimes of violence against which LSBN has aligned the proposed rule changes for applicants that apply for licensure, licensure by endorsement, reinstatement, or the right to practice as a student nurse set forth in the administrative rules.
The first step in the rulemaking process is the publication of the Board's Notice of Intent in the March edition of the Louisiana Register. As of March 20, 2018 you are able to access the publication free of charge at the state register's website at The Notice of Intent can be found here.
The Board requests to receive written comments on the proposed revisions by April 10, 2018.
Please direct all written communications regarding this proposal to my attention at the Board office.
For the Board Karen C. Lyon, PhD, RN, NEA Executive Director