Administering a drug for the purpose of anesthesia (See Board’s Declaratory Statement on the Role and Scope of Practice of the Registered Nurse in the Administration of Medication and Monitoring of Patients During the Levels of Procedural Sedation (Minimal, Moderate, Deep, and Anesthesia) as Defined Herein)
CRNA administering regional anesthetics (see the Law Governing the Practice of Nursing, R.S.37:930)
RN retracting, suctioning, tying and cutting sutures in OR (superseded by Board’s Declaratory Statement for Registered Nurse First Assistants)
Administration of local and pudental anesthesia (see the Law Governing the Practice of Nursing, R.S.37:930)
RN removing sutures (superseded by npop97.04)
Removal of atrial and ventricular pacing wires, suturing and cauterizing (see also 87.12 for suturing)
Guidelines for Legal Standards of Nursing Practice (Board’s rules, LAC46:XLVII.3901)
Delegating therapeutic plasma exchange ("blood and blood products" include patient's own blood, also see Board’s rules, LAC46:XLVII.3703)
Private duty not within realm of RN Applicant
RN delegating maintenance of heparin lock to LPN (see Declaratory Statement on the Role and Scope of Practice of Registered Nurses Delegating Intravenous Therapy Interventions)
RN performing arterial punctures
RN inserting esophageal obturator
RN performing venipuncture and/or injecting medication into external jugular vein